Little Myfanwy

Myfanwy was born at 11am on Saturday 21st June 2003.

Newest photos:

Aunty Jess steals Myf's hat!

Myfanwy reads to Jess

Myfanwy dressed up as Mary

Myfanwy and her snowman

Myfanwy looking quite Welsh

Myfanwy still being Welsh

Oh dear me - how rude!

Cool looking Myf

Large photos:

Dizzy Myfanwy

That's a fantastic blanket you've made mum!

Myfanwy finishes her apple in peace

What a daft auntie!

Like grandfather like granddaughter

Dad reads Myfanwy a story

Looking good Myfanwy

Posh Myfanwy

Don't I look pretty?

Mustn't get dirty...

Wow, look how tall that Sunflower is!

Myfanwy seems to like her balloon

Little lady

Hooray for bubbles!

So pretty

Flexible Myf

Happy Liz and Myfanwy

Hello panda

Lazy Myfanwy

What's out here mum?

What a pretty hat

Matthew and Myfanwy

Waahhh arrgh!

Mini pictures:

Newborn MyfanwyAunty Jess holding Myfanwy
Sleepy MyfanwyHow rude!
Look at me go!I just want to put my feet up
Hello Piglet, where did Myfanwy go?Grinning Myfanwy