Jessica's Blog!
Archive for April 2007

Katie comes a calling

Rich and I have been really lucky to have so many visits from friends recently. Today another one of my close friends came over to visit us in our little flat - and she even came bearing gifts! Katie brought with her the lovely Christmas lamp which was my Christmas present from last year (I really love getting late presents - it's so nice to get something that feels like it's an extra bonus present). She also brought some tasty choc chip and cranberry cookies that she baked me - she may most definitely come again!

Good luck with the move and the job hunting KT - see you at the wedding!


Crochet Croc

Yup I've been crocheting again, but how could I resist such a gorgous pattern as this one? After seeing this cute little guy I just had to make one for myself, and seeing as it passed the Rich test of approval (on seeing the picture he laughed himself silly) I got straight into it.

I'm starting to think that I may need an intervention to stop me from making tons of these little crochet toys, either that or I'm going to have to start giving them away to good homes... anyone interested?



Two days late Rich and I decided that we needed to celebrate 3 months of being engaged - and what better way than going out for a delicious Malaysian meal? Rich and I have been eyeing up the little Malaysian restaurant near our flat, and finally we got a chance to go in and try Malaysian food for the first time.

We thought our best bet would be to stick with one of the set menus so that we got a good selection, and all the food was fantastic. Our starters may have been the best though, they were the usual platter type things - satays, toast triangles etc, but they were so delicious I may be tempted next time to just order lots of those!

We may have to try the new Vietminese restaurant for our 6 month bash...


Save the date!

The wedding is seeming more and more real every day, just having a date to aim for is so exciting. This weekend Rich and I spent most of our time shopping for and making up our Save the date cards. I had the fantastic idea of making them as bookmarks, and Rich helped with the selection of the decorative punch and the printing of them all.

I'm really happy with how these all turned out (we made about 50 of them), and I'm so excited to be sending them out to my friends and family. Now all Rich and I need to do is organise the reception, food, music, flowers, clothes, proper invites.... eek!


The date is set!

Rich and I have finally sorted a date and location for the wedding - save the date cards will make it into the post as soon as we have made them...


Rosemary visits

It's been about 3 years since I last saw Rosemary so I was really excited to have her stay over at Tea Towers this weekend. Rosemary has been my friend since we were both tiny and used to do ballet together. Yup, I used to do ballet - I did it for a few years, but I don't think that I managed to pick up how to be graceful in all that time :-)

For dinner my perfect fiance cooked a delicious Thai meal - one of the curries from an authentic Thai cookbook that Rich's sister brought us back from Thailand. We ate well and then went on to watch one of my favourite movies - "Spirited Away".

It was great to have a chance to catch up with Rosemary, especially as I'm going to be flat out with wedding prep for the next 6 months and I probably won't get another chance before the big day.


Tenticular, the baby alien

I've managed to strain my back playing badminton last week, so this week I've been taking it nice and easy, and I've had a chance to do a bit of fun crochet. Everyone, please give a warm and heart felt welcome to Tenticular, the latest member of the Fuzzy household.

Seeing as I had some spare time in the evening I fancied taking part in something called a crochet-along. A crochet-along is where a group of people on a message forum all decide to have a go at crocheting something, they can then show off their work and get help from the others if needed. The crochet-along that caught my eye was to complete a 'UFO (UnFinished Object) amigurumi'. We all started out with the main pattern to make the body, and then finish it up however we like.

I'm a little worried that I may be becoming a crochet-geek... as well as completing the handsome Tenticular I've also just received my order for a 'pattern-a-day' crochet calendar. This crochet may start to become an unhealthy obsession...


Cara and Nick come visiting

To round off our Easter celebrations we had a visit from Cara and Nick. Sadly Rich and I both forgot to take any photos, so you'll have to make do with a pic of some of our Easter stash. Cara made the fantastic blue easter bunny and also brought us the tasty looking mini eggs from Hotel Chocolat. Thea and Marcus gave us the yummy Aero egg (which I'm going to have to fight Rich off) and the creme eggs (which Rich has already made a start on).

For our tasty (and vegetarian friendly) dinner we made a Spinach Lasagna which had 5 different types of cheese in... it tasted okay, but I wasn't too keen on the gorganzola that was included. For desert we had the rest of the yummy chocolate browne that Rich made - it was fantastic again. Cara and Nick then kindly played Frustration with us (even though I think that they may have found it a little childish).


Happy Easter!

Happy Easter all you FuzzyFelt readers! Hope you all had a fantastic day - filled with chocolate and Easter related fun. Some of you very lucky friends will have received one of these (see left photo) beautiful little blue Easter chicks that I crocheted - aren't they so cute! Hope you all liked them :-)

Thea, Marcus and little Katie made a visit to see us today so we cooked them a fantastic dinner from some of Jamie Oliver's receipes. For dinner we made Spatchcocked chicken - very tasty, even when you cut open the chicken on the wrong side... oops. And for dessert, Chocolate brownes with icecream. Sadly our first batch had to be thrown away as it was horrible... but it turned out that I forgot to add the eggs and the sugar, after that Rich took over and made them, his turned out to be fantastic.

Just a quick note to let you know that I've added a few more photos to the Myfanwy photo page. I also have some lovely photos of Katie to add, I'll let you know when I've put some of those up too.