Jessica's Blog!
Archive for March 2007

Katie's baptism

Thea and Marcus invited us over to Kent for little Katie's baptism. Katie looked very cute in all her white pretty baptism clothes - and she even had a pretty little bonnet on as well (see how pretty she is!).

After the ceremony (with another 3 little ones being baptised on the same day) all the family and friends went back to Thea and Marcus' for some very tasty food. I'm not sure how everyone managed to fit in the house - perhaps Thea has a bit of a tardis house? Any how - there were tons of people there, even some that I haven't seen for years. We all had a laugh - and us sisters also got together for a bit of a dance to Abba.


Thank you!

Rich and I have been engaged for two months today! To mark this occasion we would both like to say thank you to everyone who has been so kind to congratulate us and help us celebrate. We have received a huge number of cards (as you can seen in the photo) and they are all so lovely - especially the ones which people thoughtfully made for us. Thanks also to distant friends and even parents of friends - we are so touched that everyone is so happy for us.

Rich and I have a long way to go with planning the wedding - but when we have some more definite details we will be letting people know. We look forward to seeing you all there!

06/03/07 - 09/03/07

Jess learns Java

Some of you may already know that I have spent some time trying (a little unsuccessfully) to learn how to program in Java. I did a little bit of it at Uni - but our tutor was terrible and it never made much sense. However, it did give me a bit of a taste for programming which a good friend from work then tried to expand on. After a year of finding the odd evening to try and get to grips with Java my life got too busy to continue... but I didn't give up on it entirely. My fantastic boss at work tried to get me booked on a rather expensive course (�1600!) which this week I finally got to attend!

I've had a really great (but very challenging) time trying to keep up with a group of professional programmers, but I did manage it (just!). I really loved having the chance to do this - and maybe one day it will prove helpful in a future career?


Fidget comes to stay

Today is a good day in the Fuzzy household as a new family member has come to join us - cue drum roll... lets all give a warm welcome to Fidget the hamster!

I've wanted to own a hamster since I was a girl, but seeing as we always had a cat in the house my parents sensibly didn't let me. Seeing as I'm not going to be getting a cat any time soon :-( Rich agreed to letting me have a hamster instead.

Fidget is still settling in and getting used to Rich and I. She likes her new exciting cage (we went a little crazy with rotastak), running around like a mad thing in her ball and for some reason blocking up one of her rotastak tubes... When she has settled in a little more (and we get her sitting still for a minute) we will take some photos of her for you all to admire.


Yorkshire engagement party

Rich and I headed up the country for a long weekend so that we could catch up with all his Yorkshire based family and celebrate our engagement all over again :-)

Rich's Mum and sister spent ages preparing and putting together a fantastic feast (see the photo on the left) which then got quickly demolished by all the hungry family members... oh alright, I ate most of it! In fact... I may even have finished off the last of the delicious potato salad, yum :-)

I was quite nervous about the party beforehand, but all of Rich's family made me feel so welcome - and little Drew and Ela kept me so distracted that I soon forgot about any nerves.

Thanks so much Rich's parents for giving us such a great time!