Settling in
Sorry for the complete lack of postings this month - my excuse is that it has been completely hectic due to all the new flat issues that Rich and I have had to deal with over the last couple of weeks.
After moving all our stuff into the flat on the 14th Rich and I celebrated with a tasty dinner of fish & chips and soon afterwards discovered that we had no running water! We had turned our boiler on after signing our contract on the Monday and it turns out that on the Monday night (while Rich and I were still in his old flat) our boiler leaked and flooded the flat below us. Oops! We have since gotten the boiler fixed, and it seems to be behaving itself at the moment thankfully.
One of our other trials with moving in has been getting a phone lines sorted, as it seems that the flat didn't have one put in for some strange reason (it has everything else though). After a lot of running about after BT we finally got our phone line sorted on Tuesday this week. If I haven't let you know what our new number is yet, then please remind me to do so.
Rich and I have also spent a huge fortune at Ikea kitting the flat out with the wardrobe, a coffee table and any shelves that we need - hopefully tomorrow will be our last shop there for some time as we have almost everything we need now. The flat is starting to take shape and after I have bought myself something for all my craft bits 'n' bobs to go then we should be free of most of the boxes that are still in the flat.
Soon we will start inviting friends and family round - so we hope to see you soon!
MRI scan
Finally - the day of my MRI scan arrived. I just thought that I would post quickly that it all went well and that I will be getting the results from it on 11th July.
The scan itself was quite exciting, you get to lie down on the bed/bench thing with your head in a cage like device. The bed/bench thing then moves into this tight tunnel which after a while starts to make some very loud noises - I was given ear plugs, but they wouldn't stay in my ears. Even though the noise of the machine was really loud I managed to get a quick nap in, all without moving my head!
Now I wonder if I can get a copy of the scans so that I can prove to any doubters that yes, I really do have a brain!
Moving day!
Today we moved all our many belongings in to the new flat. Rich had hired a massive van (you can see Rich standing proudly with the van in the photo on the right) which he then drove all the way back to Isleworth with me doing the directions. Needless to say I got us lost about halfway back and probably doubled the length of the trip...
Alex helped with moving my stuff into the van, and luckily it all fit easily - with lot's of room to spare (whew!), so Rich and I trundled back to the flat where we filled the spare room with all my bits 'n' bobs.
After a quick lunch Rich and I dashed off to Ikea to buy a huge wardrobe (over 2 meters tall!) that we wanted for our bedroom. Being the largest wardrobe ever it was difficult to even get the boxes through our flat doors - we did manage it though (just) and then we had to go and pick up Rich's stuff. We managed to get Rich's things across in two very full van loads, finishing up at gone 9pm! The flat is full to the gunnells with boxes, but we can deal with that tomorrow, sleep now... zzZzzzzZZzzz.
New Flat!
Today Rich and I signed the contract for our lovely new flat (as well as having to pay lots and lots of money...) We have done a little bit of cleaning around the place and are all ready for moving in on Wednesday.